Political Inbox

Australian Federal Election 2022 Emails

Political Inbox is a catalogue of campaign emails from the 2022 Australian federal election.

I created these articles to demonstrate best practices in UX writing and emails, which are often overlooked in political campaigning.

Despite the hype around social media, email is still the one way campaigners and candidates can directly reach volunteers, voters and the party faithful without third-party platforms or intermediaries.

Generally, an email from a political party or candidate will have the following objective: 

  • Pump up the party faithful and get them excited about the campaign or candidate
  • Inform the base – give readers talking points and answers about campaign topics
  • Solicit donations and sell merchandise
  • Facilitate a specific action: get the vote out, attend a meeting etc.
  • A combination of the above

Before the election, I subscribed to the mailing lists of all major parties and various independents via their websites. I make no judgement about the political content within the emails.

I will update this catalogue as and when my schedule allows. Please contact me if you spot an email you'd like me to review.