ALP Fed Election 2022 Kick Off Email

Shortly after Scott Morrison called the election, Antony Albanese sent the following email to supporters soliciting cash to aid campaigners.

Email Sent On
April 4, 2022
Australian Labor Party
Subject Line
It's on
Readability Score

Subject line: Context and Content

All your readers have is sender, subject and preheader text before they open your email, use these tools to provide additional information and context to your readers. Any information that shows your email is helpful will result in more people reading your message.

The good:

  • Clear purpose: This email's single objective is to get the reader to donate to the Labor party.
  • Transparency: – the line 'Can you chip in $20 and make sure that volunteers around the country have the flyers, the fuel and the support they need to make it happen?'  Tells the reader where your donation will be spent, tying the contributions to the material support campaigners on the ground will have.
  • Short subject line: Uses less than 40 characters. Different email programs and platforms limit the number of visible subject line characters, so the best practice is to keep subject lines below 40 characters.
    Readability: The text is simple and easy to read. Many people can read and understand it, including those who do not speak English as a first language or those with reading and learning difficulties.

Needs improvement:

  • Undefined subject line: Make sure your subject line includes context and content. 'It's on' does not give context or tell the reader what the email contains.
  • Vague and generic subject lines like 'It's on' assume that intrigue will entice the user to open the email. However, usability studies have shown that users prefer direct subject lines that convey what the email's content will be.
  • Remember the subject line is the primary factor in whether your recipients will open your email or not.  
  • Lack of preheader text: The preheader/preview text or preview text is an excellent opportunity to give the reader further context and an indication of the content of the email.
  • Conciseness: Remove the extra words. Can you say the same thing with less? The copy below removes over 100 words, does it detract from the message?
screen shot of how the email is presented
Albo's email with less copy
Profile Picture of Alex Marsh

Alex Marsh

When Alex isn't watching netball he's reading campaign emails.  Political Inbox is a catalogue of emails compiled from the 2022 Australian federal election.