The Libs keep it short and sweet

Keep it simple, stupid. Your supporters will appreciate brief, focused information. This email from the Liberal Party is an excellent example of these principles.

Email Sent On
April 16, 2022
The Australian Liberal Party
Subject Line
Liberal Ads
Readability Score

The good:

Short and to the point. This email doesn't waste a word of the reader's time.

Subject Line: In two words, this subject tells the user what the content of this email is.

Preheader text: Provides additional context to the new advertisements.

No hard sell:  This email doesn't attempt to bully or guilt the reader into donating to the Liberal Party. The email helps the reader donate, rather than lecturing them on why they should.

Needs improvement:

Alt-text: None of the images in this email uses the alt attribute, including the Liberal Party logo that links to the Liberal Party website. 

If your image is used in a link or a button, ensure the alt attribute communicates the link's destination.

You can use the alt Decision Tree to assist you when setting the alt attribute for your images.

Profile Picture of Alex Marsh

Alex Marsh

When Alex isn't watching netball he's reading campaign emails.  Political Inbox is a catalogue of emails compiled from the 2022 Australian federal election.